Client Center

This is a portal from which all of your accounts can be accessed.

Links to third party providers herein are for convenience only. These resources are not affiliated with Golden State Equity Partners LLC. dba Baobab Wealth Management. It is recommended, before using any third party, to review and understand respective vendor terms and privacy policies.


This is where you log on if you have accounts with us at Charles Schwab and you’ve signed up, or would like to sign up for e-delivery of your statements, transaction confirmations, tax documents, shareholder documents and prospectuses.


This is where you log on if you have accounts with me at Pershing and you have signed up, or would like to sign up for e-delivery of your statements, transaction confirmations, tax documents, shareholder documents and prospectuses.


This is the new client portal where you may log on and view all of your accounts with me, no matter where they are held or with what company. You can monitor all your account balances, activity, transactions and performance any time, anywhere on this secure, easy to use website.


This is where you log on if you have accounts with me at Prudential Annuities and you have signed up, or would like to sign up for e-delivery of your statements, transaction confirmations, tax documents, and prospectuses. You can also view your account balances, guarantees (if applicable), surrender charges (if applicable) and other details about your contract here.
This is where you log on to access your Financial Plan with Money Guide Pro.


For new clients opening an account, please fill out the applicable form. This is the minimum information needed to be able to open an account for you, please be sure to fill out the form completely.


To start the financial planning process, please fill out this form. The more information you are able to provide, the better plan and recommendations we can provide.


The form is secure and you are able to upload any statements or documents you would like to share securely with us on the form.

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